






何かおかしいな・・・?日本国内大型企業の全部揃っての「満額」「要求額以上」のベア回答・・・昨年まではボチボチの感じが揃って全部というのは型にはまり過ぎている感じがしてならないですが・・・まあ・・・多分私の思い過ごしですね・・・?私は何でも「全て疑ってかかる」性質ですので・・・!でも「満額」ならまだしも・・・要求されていない以上のベア・・・いくら利益率高くても・・・普通に経営側としてはそこまで出てこないような気もしますが・・・、労働生産性は ↓ 世界の中でもかなりランクダウンしている・・・、何となく何となくですよ・・・「企業労使双方に大変失礼とは存じますが・・・「数字のトリック」らしからぬ臭いが・・・私の単なる第6感です・・・、これは中小企業も多分同じくのアップという感じ・・・私だけの考えです・・・単なる・・・余裕ありだと思います・・・!ある一例をご紹介します・・・、ベースアップ(全員の底上げ)≠ 平均賃金上昇(凹凸ありの平均)・・・原資の増加はどうかな・・・?分かりません・・・適当な一例です・・・!お怒りは重々承知の上・・・表現の自由ちうことでご容赦願います!まさしく「ジョブ型成果主義の欧米スタイルへの移行」・・・という見方もあります・・・!ただ・・・全く根拠なしでは私はこのような公のサイトでは発言しません・・・!「60歳定年を迎えた人の87.4%が継続雇用、60歳以上の常用労働者数は9年で約170万人増加厚生労働省がまとめた令和5年「高年齢者雇用状況等報告」によると過去1年間に60歳定年企業で定年を迎えた人の87.4%が継続雇用されたことが分かった。継続雇用を希望したが継続雇用されなかった人は0.1%だった。」殆どの定年を迎えた継続雇用従業員は「今までの基本給×70%~75% になるはずですので」・・・!だから・・・先に述べた原資にこだわった訳です・・・!

Is something wrong...?A complete collection of large Japanese companiesBare answer of "full amount" or "more than the requested amount"...I can't help but feel that it's a bit too conventional to say that all of them had the same feel until last year, but...well...maybe it's just my imagination...?I tend to be suspicious of everything...!But if it's ``full price,'' it's fine... It's more bearish than what's requested... No matter how high the profit margin is... I don't think the management side would normally pay that much...Labor productivity has fallen considerably in the world... ``I know it's very rude to both labor and management, but... it smells like a ``number trick.'' It's just my sixth sense...This is probably a similar increase for small and medium-sized businesses...it's just my opinion...I think it's just...there's plenty of room...!Let me introduce one example...Base increase (raise the standard for everyone) ≠ Average wage increase (average with unevenness)... How about an increase in capital...?I don't understand...this is just an example...!We understand your anger and apologize for the inconvenience caused. Freedom of expression is prohibited!This is truly a "transition to the Western style of job-based results-based system"...There is also a view that...!However...I wouldn't say anything on a public site like this without any basis...!``87.4% of people who have reached the retirement age of 60 continue to be employed, and the number of regular workers aged 60 and over has increased by approximately 1.7 million in nine years.According to the 2020 Report on Employment Situation of Elderly Persons compiled by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 87.4% of people who reached the retirement age of 60mpanies in the past year continued to be employed. 0.1% of those who requested continued employment but were not offered continued employment. "Most continuously employed employees who have reached retirement age"It should be 70% to 75% of your current base salary"...!That's why I was particular about the source of funds I mentioned earlier...!


①ピアノを初めて 14か月レッスンは主に基礎をしっかり、楽譜読みと忠実に弾く理論と歴史を学び、自己練習、、、Street piano はあくまでも趣味の分野、、、アレンジを絡めてShow的な感覚で、、、②バレエは 初めて6回目のレッスン終了基礎の動きを徹底的に頭に入れ、自己練習あるのみ、、、足が高く上がれば良いというものではなく、、、あくまでも基礎からのスタート③2024年7月14日 司法試験予備試験勉強を効率的に行っています今の私のルーティンです、、、!English長文のリスニングも同時並行に、、、Tobis逐次通訳資格、、、まだ諦めてはいないので、、、!明日 2024年3月2日 AM11:00~PM01:00 の間にて札幌ノルベサB1F にてStreet piano !外食や居酒屋で5000円くらい出すなら、、、バレエレッスン3回受けれる、、、私の考えはこういうことです、、、あとは超安いウエアを購入くらいかな、、、物として残りますし、何回も着れます、、、!P.S. 皆さまもご存知の通り、現在原告として訴訟中です、、、今案件は前回の 2案件 と異なり、、、取り下げはあり得ません、、、!3月中に札幌地裁へ『例のあのったら例のあの』の代理人弁護士から答弁書を送付しないと、、、4月9日の第1回口頭弁論には間に合わないと思います、、、!インサイトと広告を見る投稿を宣伝いいね!コメントするシェア

①First time playing the piano 14 monthsThe lessons mainly focus on the basics, reading music and playing faithfully.Learn theory and history, practice on your own...Street piano is just a hobby...It has a Show-like feel with the arrangement...②Complete my 6th ballet lesson for the first timeAll you need to do is keep in mind the basic movements and practice on your own... It's not just about getting your legs up high, it's about starting from the basics.③July 14, 2024 Study efficiently for the preliminary bar examgoingThis is my current routine...Listening to long English sentences at the same time...Tobis Consecutive Interpretation Qualification...I haven't given up yet...!Tomorrow, March 2, 2024, between 11:00 AM and 01:00 PMStreet piano at Sapporo Norbesa B1F!If you're going to spend around 5,000 yen eating out or at a bar...I can take 3 ballet lessons... That's what I think... The only thing left to do is buy some super cheap clothes... It will last forever and I can wear it over and over again...P.S. As you all know, I am currently in litigation as a plaintiff... This case is different from the previous two cases...There can be no withdrawal!The book ``Example no Aratara Exe No Ano'' will be submitted to the Sapporo District Court in March.If I don't send a written answer from my attorney, I don't think I'll be able to make it in time for the first oral argument on April 9th...!

2024/02/14   My birthday


Sorry if I'm wrong... It's okay... i'm good··· "If that's the case, then that's the case..."


Times の表紙の顔で・・・、この方の Wikipedia の経歴等をご覧頂ければ理解できます・・・悪役に徹して・・・日本のビジョンを最初からしっかり見ている・・・流石です!

病気療養中は オンライン会議(ZOOMなど)・・・バイデン大統領とはやはり直接の電話会議(当然に English )でしてますね・・・別にそれで褒めたたえている訳ではありませんが、私には分かります・・・この人がどういう人かを・・・!

I realized that Prime Minister Kishida is the rarest true prime minister in history! I went to the supermarket and received detailed opinions and explanations...I was fooled too! The face on the cover of the Times... If you look at his Wikipedia biography, you'll understand... He plays the role of a villain... He clearly sees Japan's vision from the beginning... It's amazing! I feel that he is a prime minister who is also very cooperative, such as making solid appointments from each faction! 

While he was recovering from illness, he held online meetings (ZOOM, etc.)...President Biden held direct phone conferences (in English, of course)...I'm not praising him for that, but I understand. I wonder what kind of person this person is...! 


Somewhere on this site...my shame is posted ! 



Good morning !

Mr. H.D and Mr. K.G who appear in my ruthless work The company motto is... 

(Priority 1) Make sure to comply with company rules and give top priority to customer payment investigation 

(Priority 2) Be proud of yourself as a national civil servant 

(Priority 3) Always keep in mind that our company is not in charge of a lifeline and pursue profits. 

That's it, the company principles are common to both companies... !

Common Regulations for Political Departments of Japanese Domestic Media 

(1) Priority of articles to be published 

① Voyeurism (including attempts) 

② Non-consensual obscenity, non-consensual sexual intercourse 

③Johnny's related 

④Unusual incident (type of crime is irrelevant) 

⑤LGBT related 

⑥In order to increase viewer ratings, impactful incidents will be highlighted every day (including those involved). 

The real name of the main culprit has been revealed, 

and photos have been posted from the past. 

Interviews with his upbringing and those around him at the time, etc. 

Photos are posted in chronological order from birth to the present day, 

with detailed details such as whether his personality has changed since this era... !

These are the common regulations of each company's political department !


H.D様 と K.G様の社訓は、、、




社訓は両者共通で 以上です、、、!


(1) 掲載すべき記事の優先順位





⑤LGBT 関連

⑥視聴率引き上げのための インパクトのある事件は毎日 顔出し(関連した方も含む) と実名出し、、、主犯格は 過去に遡り写真を掲載、生い立ちやその当時の周囲の方々への聞き取り など時系列で 誕生~現在 までの写真で、、、この時代から性格が変化したのか など、、、事細かに詳細に毎日掲載している!

以上が 各社政治部の共通規程です!高度経済成長期の日本国内の報道記者の一本芯の通っていた信念は、、、もう どこにもないし、、、その仕事内容なら、、、日本国内に報道機関は不要、、、

1. 新聞不要

2. TV 不要3. 形式的な行事不要(正月行事・年賀状・初詣・成人式など)

U.S.W 現実の際には、、、自然の摂理で 日本国内報道機関は淘汰されていきますので、


NEW Importants Post   2023/09/04

Ah, Mr. Rz, Mr. Ts/Ns... I'm busy tomorrow... I have two! Dear MG/CV, there will be no next time... We are definitely going to the Sapporo District Public Prosecutor's Office! The voice data up until now has been recorded! I can imagine that life as a Prisoner would be unimaginably tough at that age! The nuisance prevention ordinance does not apply... Violations of the Criminal Law and Personal Information Protection Law apply! 

Ah, Rz様・Ts/Ns 様・・・、明日は忙しいです・・・2件あります!MG・CV 様 次はありませぬ、、、確実に 札幌地検行きでございます!今までの音声Data は記録させれておりまする!その御年で Prisoner 生活は想像を絶するきつさとお察しいたします!迷惑防止条例は通用しませぬ・・・刑法・個人情報保護法 違反が適用されまする!


Dear Japanese people, Activities such as taking photos with a smartphone etc. while traveling There hasn't been anything special up until now, but lately it's become a bit dangerous when people appear in photos... Well, this is limited to red-handed offenders, so please be careful if you take photos of other people's children or women without their permission, as there is a high possibility that you will be reported for sexual situations. Women are also aware of this law, so they should avoid dangerous acts! Disagreeing is dangerous either way! Legislative Act 2 Already many arrests have been made...! So...on that day...my life is over! In addition to changing the name of crimes such as forced sexual intercourse to ``nonconsensual sexual intercourse'' and clarifying the punishment requirements, a new ``crime of photographing sexual poses'' such as sexual parts and underwear will be created. It was promulgated on the 23rd and will come into effect on July 13th. According to the Ministry of Justice, the raising of the age of consent for sexual intercourse from 13 to 16 will come into effect on July 13, and acts with persons under 16 will be punished.

Even if there is no shutter sound, I am trying to → Report → Arrest → Decorate the top of the national article ...! 

①Article 6 of the Act on Punishment of Photography of Sexual Positions, etc. Article 6 A person who knowingly records a video image transmitted by any of the acts listed in the items of paragraph 1 of the preceding article shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine of not more than 3 million yen. 2. Any attempt to commit the crime set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be punished. 

②The statutory penalty for non-consensual sexual intercourse is a fixed-term imprisonment of five years or more. The current statutory penalty for forced sexual intercourse and quasi-forced sexual intercourse is a fixed-term imprisonment of five years or more, so there will be no change to the maximum penalty. 

As a matter of course, not the local papers, but all the media outlets all over the country... 

It's a national article, so...!


旅行先でスマホ等で写真を撮る といった行為が

今までは 特に何でもありませんが、最近から 写真に人物が入っては、、、少し危険です、、、

まあ 現行犯に限りますので、、、他人の子供やましてや女性を許可なしに写真を撮る行為は、、、性的姿態撮影等により、、、通報される可能性大ですから、、、注意をお願いいたします、、、女性もこの法律を知っていますので、、、危険な行為は避けるべきですよ!



立法 2法 すでに 逮捕者続出ですので、、、!

なので、、、その日を以って・・・人生終了 です!

強制性交罪などを「不同意性交罪」に名称変更して処罰要件を明確化するほか、性的部位や下着などの「性的姿態撮影罪」を新設する。 公布は23日付で、7月13日に施行される。 法務省によると、性的行為に同意できるとみなす「性交同意年齢」の13歳から16歳への引き上げも7月13日施行で、16歳未満への行為は処罰される。

①性的姿態撮影等処罰法 第六条
第六条 情を知って、前条第一項各号のいずれかに掲げる行為により影像送信をされた影像を記録した者は、三年以下の拘禁刑又は三百万円以下の罰金に処する。 2 前項の罪の未遂は、罰する。
②不同意性交等罪の法定刑は、5年以上の有期拘禁刑です。 現行の強制性交等罪・準強制性交等罪では5年以上の有期懲役が法定刑ですので、刑の上限に変更はありません。



=NEW=     2023/08/31

To Mr. President Kishida As expected...For someone of your age, you don't have the word

 "pure" like I do...That's fine...Job content with a schedule commensurate with the salary.

 It's minute by minute... There's a huge difference compared to the politicians 

who don't take any action! As for the rest, I'm conscious of the rapid flow of today's times, 

so time will tell... By the way, since we adhere to a consistent results-based system, 

I feel that we will sift out those who are not worth it! 

Even if the approval rating drops to 0%, even if he is abused, harassed, 

and attacked by the people, he will continue to rule for a long time until the end of his life. 

He deserves praise! Even if a nuclear bomb is dropped by another country, 

if you continue to say ``I express my regrets,'' then you must do it thoroughly,

 without half-heartedly, just like in my novel  ”The Empty Shell'' Please!

I always tell everyone... I don't seem to see it... I'm looking deep inside... 

Nearby parking lot construction site 

(confirmed by the worker there whether the foundation was laid), 

Outer wall tile replacement scaffolding work 

(confirmed by the worker who was there to confirm that it was a replacement),

 Dealers, government offices, and government offices: What is the purpose of all workers, 

what and how do they work, I have a tendency to see things even though 

I don't seem to see them! 

It's all about the details...the details! 

To Mr. President Kishida 流石ですね、、、あなたもその年齢の割には意外に私と同じ 潔い とい



何も動かない議員たち よりは 雲泥の差 がありますよ!


ちなみに、、、成果主義一貫性 を貫いていますので、、、見合わない方々は 


支持率0%になろうとも 民衆から罵声や嫌がらせ 襲撃を受けようとも 寿命尽きるまでの長期


『遺憾の意を表します』と、、、続行、、、やるんなら 私の小説 『もぬけの殻』まで 

のように、、、中途半端なく 徹底的に やって下さい!私はいつも 誰にでも、、、




販売店、役所、官庁 全ての働く方が何を目的に何をいかにどのように業務に当たっているのか、


それは 細部にわたります、、、細かいです! 


The most desired of Japanese people, the previous overseas experience is compulsory, 

and I will definitely make it come true, for everyone from 18 to 65 years old,

without exception! The average life expectancy has increased considerably, 

and if you are 65 years old, there is still room for improvement! 

Making it free and making it compulsory I'm sure you'll improve your skills, so... !

 Developing world-class human beings... positive! 

I'm sorry... Mt.Fuji Jukai before... It seems that there were originally black bears, 

and they still are... Release brown bears... Seed preservation! 

This day will come suddenly...the Japanese government is also turning 

its attention overseas... I've always had this attitude... !

日本人の一番希望している 昨日の海外経験の義務化 確実に叶えてあげます、、、

例外なしの 18歳~65歳全てに、、、!


無償化で義務化 スキルアップ確実ですから、、、世界に通用する人間の育成、、、

前向き です!

これは ダマテン でいきなりその日が来るでしょう・・・日本政府も海外に目を向けて・・・


すいません、、、以前の富士山樹海、、、ツキノワグマ 元々いるらしいです、

今もいます、、、ヒグマを放ち、、、種を保存 ですね! 


Everyone in Japan... Over the past few days, I've been getting calls from overseas. 

It seems like... but if you can talk to the other party on the phone, 

it's a story that can be solved...! Recently, 

we have received a strong request to accept Japanese people from overseas, 

starting with the U.S. The Japanese government is also easing the acceptance of 

foreign workers, so of course it's the other way around! 

The world is already in a global age, so the Japanese government and domestic companies are also... As a national policy and internal regulations, 

it is almost mandatory for business people and the general public to gain 

overseas experience... I think so... Overseas, 

the direction will be "Welcome"...! 

Something wrong···? 

It's a great story, isn't it... Free of charge...!

日本の皆さま・・・ここ数日 何か海外から電話等が掛かってきてきなっていらっしゃる


直近で U.S を筆頭に海外からの 強い日本人受け入れ要請が来ます・・・、



国策や社内規定として 企業人や一般国民への無償での義務化に近い形で・・・海外経験を積ませる


海外は ”Welcome”  という方向性になるでしょう・・・!




Ah, Dear Mr. Rz,...I cannot relax after the decision has been made. ,,!

Ah, Rz, are you ready?Due to compulsory execution... a press conference is essential... !

 but the contents of the complaint are not limited to TV LIVE...  !

Youtube LIVE is fine... definitely... report from Rz Applying to an institution...  !

"Please hit someone else because it's not worthy of reporting"... !

"Because my schedule is full with work waiting for the state of Okubo Park 

and the voyeur incident,'' I'm sure that medium-sized and major media outlets will refuse, 

so from the beginning, I'll be looking for local media outlets, such as islands. 

Why don't you try hitting the newspaper company... my advice is...!

The reporters are civil servants among civil servants 

who only protect their status and honor...! 

Ah, Rz 様、、、確定後はおくつろぎ出来ませぬ、、、、札幌地裁執行官が訪問し、、、強制執行手続きの期日をお聞きになりますので、、、順次進めさせて頂きます、、、!Ah, Rz 様、、、ご準備は整っておられますか?強制執行のため・・・記者会見は必須ですが・・・訴状請求内容に TV LIVE とは限定していません・・・Youtube LIVE でも結構です・・・間違いなく・・・Rz 様からの報道機関への申し込みも・・・"報道に値しないので他を当たって下さい"・・・、"大久保公園の様子や盗撮事件待ちの仕事で予定で一杯なので"・・・と 確実に中堅~大手の報道機関には断られますので・・・、最初からローカルの ~島などの報道機関の新聞社へ当たってみてはどうでしょうか・・・私からのアドバイスですが・・・!




I'm 100% sure about what happened in front of the room, so... !

It's not at all about having roots! He follows the rules in a group life...

it's only natural...if you say hello to him, he'll return it properly, 

so there's no doubt that he's a person of good character !

I am still very positive and relaxed as the Law of Magnetic Poles happens 100% of the time! 

However... I'm human too... Let's seal away my strong point of "talking to others" !

 If someone calls out to me, I will say hello, 

but... unless someone is very sick or in need. 

Don't be ignorant...let's just pass by like everyone else...this is at least a rebellion !

What I need to do now is to push forward without cutting corners ! 

先ほどの部屋の前での話の内容は、私に 100% 否がありますので、、、根を持つことなどのものでは 全くありませんので、!
集団生活での ルール を守る、、、当たり前のことです、、、挨拶をしたらちゃんと返してくれる方 ですので、、、いい人格の方に間違いありません!
私は 磁極の法則 が いつも 100% 起こりますので、今も 非常に ポジティブでリラックスした状態です!

ただし・・・私も人間・・・私の長所である ”他者への声掛け”  は封印しよう!

声をかけられたら挨拶はするが・・・余程 倒れている方や、困っている方がいたりしない限り




2013/08/17 14:00→100

2013/08/17 16:00→80

2013/08/17 17:00→50 (← else)

2013/08/17 22:00→20 (←think)

~ 2013/08/19 06:30 →-10,000 (←else of else)

~~~~∞  -∞



What are you so afraid of? Any questions? 

And ,,, I casually ask again with a super calm face! 

Knowledge and ignorance are the difference between heaven 

and earth Expected Unexpected difference between top and bottom! 


何かございましたか?と 、、、超冷静すぎる顔で 何気なく聞き返してみるのです!

知 と 不知 は 天地の差、、、予想内 予想外 天地の差! 


Ah... ,  President... Just a little more patience ! 

Obliged... My time always passes like this ! 

 Ah... today's day... this morning I had an epiphany, right now... !



Ah・・・今日の今日・・・今朝 ひらめき  今まさに・・・!


As I announced on Facebook the other day...  !

I applied !

I would like to download Ubuntu for free ! 

I would appreciate it if you could understand the contents of this received mail...! 

先日  Facebook で公言した通り・・・申込をいたしました!

多分 以前構築OSとした Red Hat は・・・有料と思いますので・・・、

Ubuntu を Free でDownload したいと考えています!



That day, that time, and now... why that time? 

Don't stand before regret! 

My life from now on...a life where I have no choice but to curse myself...!

 I can't help it...! 

"Suicide Consequences/True Death Forms'' 

Continue to regret and die! Is the outer moat already filled up? 

Is the outer moat hardened? 

I have to check with the soles of my feet! 

I have to check by passing the thread through the needle...! 

Don't know that it's fixed! This is just the beginning...it will continue endlessly... !

 Oh... sir Bar's H.K ! 

Oh... so heartless... !

Even I, who advocates using the intenet system as much as possible... Hate? 

No matter how many people look at it, it's all natural! 

What is the customer looking for and why are they coming to that place? 

I want QR code Izakaya to think about it! Sure enough...  !

There were some customers who were tilting their heads... ! 

I know it's really rude, but... it's too unnatural for the storefront! 

あの日 あの時 そして今、、、なぜ あの時に?



ああ・・・Bar's H.K  様!



いくら intenet・system を活用ください・・・と唱えている私でさえも・・・、



QR code居酒屋 様には・・・良く考えてほしいです!


誠に失礼とは存じますが・・・店構えにしては・・・あまりにも 不自然極まりないです!


Sir Bar's H.K... 2,000 yen 

(Because I got points from a questionnaire, not cash, 

so I could only use Hotpeper Gourmet... !

It would be a waste to lose my points. 

From my experience and personality... now...・No deposit !  

Every time I drink, I pay attention to the bill !

It's been half a year since I've had a drink outside... !

For me, it feels like the ultimate luxury ! 

Tomorrow I will definitely come to pay the missing amount of 146 yen...  !

For now, I'm going to sell things that can be used as money for Mr. Fukusuke !

Right now it's 0 yen... !

Mr. Bill Gates Can I borrow it for now ?

I will return it the day after tomorrow! Hotpeper points just because you got them online...  !

I didn't come here for a drink !

 If you tell me that I'll report you by radio eating and drinking... !

as expected... I don't want to be arrested !

As expected, this time only... I felt envious of people around me 

who drink without worrying about money ! 

The customers around me... ,

I definitely knew, but... !

I don't want to get involved... !

But you're talking about me... !

Publish "Pretending not to see" Correct answer !

If it's me... if I have money... I'll call out to you even if you hit me! 100% I will...! 

Because...why didn't you talk to me and buy me something at that time... !

I will regret it till the day I die! 

札幌 Bar's H.K 様、、、!
2,000円(現金ではなくアンケートでポイント Get したので・・・Hotpeperグルメ さんしか使用出来なかったので・・・ポイントを失効するのが勿体ない という 私の今までの経験や性格から・・・今・・・預金0円・・・、 
毎回 会計 気にして飲んでいます!
外で飲むのは、、、半年振りです、、、私にとっては このうえない贅沢に感じます!
明日 足りない分 146円 支払いに 必ず来ます、、、福助さんに とりあえず マネーになる物 売りに行きます!
今 は 0円 です、、、
Mr. BILL.Gates とりあえず 今 貸してくれますか?
明後日 お返しいたします!
Hotpeper ポイント ネットで貰ったからって、、、
無線飲食で通報します・・・と言われたら流石に・・・逮捕は、、、あまりにも 嫌なので!

関わりたくない・・・という・・・でも 私の噂をしている・・・
「見て見ぬふり」出版して 正解!
私なら・・・お金あったら・・・有り金 叩いても 声かけてあげるよ!
100% そうするよ・・・!・・・なぜなら・・・あの時なぜ声をかけて奢ってやらなかったのか・・・と 死ぬまで後悔するからです!


After all... I've been saying for a long time... Salary payment with electronic money 

(PayPay etc.)... No fees + super easy, it's becoming a reality !

That means that you don't have to go to your grandpa's or grandma's house in the countryside, 

About 2 years ago, I wrote a novel about receiving a New Year's gift with PaPay. 

It's there now! Are you saying the kids already? Don't go out at all, including bill payment 

(smartphone barcode reading)... Complete in your own room !

If you have a simple smartphone passbook like me, you can check your balance 24 hours a day. 

I also use online banking! In order to prevent mistaken touches on your smartphone, 

you can transfer funds via internet banking on your PC, no doubt !

 Because there is a plan to deposit a large amount of money recently, 

Internet server after several years

 (To ends of  Nov 2023, Free Linux OS,  DNS, PROXY, HTTP, MAIL server construction) !

We will release it for free, in short, we are a free provider !

 You don't want to spend money on the internet! ,,, 

but in this day and age it's essential !

I want to see my grandchildren's face... , There are ZOOM and so on... !

I haven't been able to see them several times a year until now. But,,, 

you can always see it! Nowadays, most companies conduct job interviews online! 

I also had an interview with this! 

When I was working for H.M dealer (Oner's com) ,  

(President of  "∞ − " and  Employee of  "∞ + " )  too... !

the president was on the verge of being prosecuted by the Labor Standards Inspection Office

 for unpaid overtime and recommended corrective action. When it was done ... !

 Individually given PCs were set to automatically shut down at 05:00 PM without any trips, 

Set up remotely from your own PC at the head office, 

no matter how many times you turn the power off and on until 09:00 AM the next morning 

In the system settings to shut down... set access control... !

I used to set a shutdown time for each individual or group... !

After all... I was asked by a system specialist to create a setting manual, 

In the end, I felt like I was incomprehensible !

やはり・・・以前から私の言っていた・・・電子マネー(PayPayなど) での給与支払い・・・

手数料無料+超簡単、やはり 現実化してきた!

ということは、、、田舎のおじいちゃん おばあちゃん の家へ行くこともなく、

PaPay で お年玉頂戴、、、という 私が 約2年前から 小説にもしている ”現実・真実” が、 

今 そこにあります、、、!

もう 子供たち 言ってるかな?

一切 外出せず、、、請求書払い(スマホバーコード読み取り) も含め、、、


私みたいに 簡易な スマホ通帳があれば、、、24時間 残高確認が可能、

ネットバンキング も 併用している、、、!

振込は スマホタッチ間違いを防ぐため PC で ネットバンキング、、、間違いないよ!

直近 まとまったマネー入金予定があるため、、、

何年か振りに インターネットサーバ 

 (2023年11月末までに Free Linux OS , DNS, PROXY, HTTP,  MAIL サーバ 構築)

Free で開放します、、、要するに Free プロバイダ です、、、!

ネットにマネー費やすのはもったいないからね!、、、でも 今の時代 必須! 

お孫さんの顔が見たい、、、ZOOM などがあります、、、今まで 1年に何回か会えなかったの


今は 入社面接は、、、ほとんどの企業が Web面接で行っています、、、!

私も 全て これで 面接しました! 

私も H.M dealer (Oners com)・・・サービス残業で 社長が労働基準監督署から 

起訴寸前で是正勧告されていた頃・・・個々に与えられたPCを PM05:00 に自動シャットダウン設

定を 一切出張せず、本社の自分のPCからリモートで設定、翌朝AM09:00 まではいくら電源を入れ

直しても シャットダウンするシステム設定で・・・アクセスコントロールを設定し・・・、


やはり・・・システム専門業務の方から 設定マニュアルを作成してほしいと言われましたが、

結局 理解不能みたいな感じでしたような気がしました!


Let's talk about reality...! For example, a depositor of 100 million yen goes to the bank and 

withdraws 50 million yen... Even if I ask... !

the bank's safe is actually only about 5 million yen. 

(From a safety point of view, there is no cash in reality)... !

The daily withdrawal limit for ATMs is set at 300,000 yen, so... !

In reality, we can't get it as cash... !

the reality is here now! The reality is just exchanging data as numbers !

Also, even if you have cash, you will only be refused !


例えば・・・1億円の預金者が 銀行へ行き、5,000万円引き出して下さい・・・と 


(安全面から また 現実的に現金はありません)・・・、


実際には 現金としては手にする事が出来ず・・・という現実が 今 ここにあります!

あくまでも現実は 数字としてのデータのやり取りだけです!



Japanese people still don't see a decrease in suicides, even though they say so much...! 

Even if I get yelled at by people all over the world... 

"Even if you crawl on the ground and vomit blood," 

it's not a shame to live... I have to keep living, 

it's no good...time will solve it... The feeling of continuing to live even when sick... !

this is important...! Rather than die, I'd rather go to prison and live there. 

(Since it is not confirmed from a general point of view, 

check the stock price and the number of planned closing stores on TV and the Internet ... !

I don't think it's a bad idea to take SH, 

which is definitely not going to turn down in terms of management, 

even if it's just once, but... Instead of acting impulsively and emotionally... !

Don't you need a solid homework and preparation),,,? 

I can't do crimes that hurt people, but... !

Even if you get thirsty on the go, you don't have enough money to buy even canned juice !

You can drink water from the faucet of the washbasin in the building's toilet... !

If you run out of toilet paper, just borrow it from somewhere... !

I actually... have been !

1. You should throw away your vanity 

2. You should also throw away your pride in appearance 

3. Do not envy others 

4. Know yourself and think and act with the ability to foresee the future 

(knowing is a prerequisite) 

5. Rely on yourself and no one else !

That's all !


Good morning! 

The app is not yet complete, so please wait a little longer! 

If only I had one credit card... It doesn't always take me this long! 

Credit, loan, leasing, rental, loan, consumer finance, and black market loan. 

Those who have passed the examination of car and housing loans, 

it means that the people around them are not black! 

The credit bureau thoroughly investigates whether 

there are any financial accidents in the applicant's family or relatives.

 As if to remind the person of the financial disaster, t

he system is set up so that the relative receives a confirmation phone call, 

so the credit check takes a considerable amount of time! 

If you don't want to bother your relatives, when you're making a big purchase, 

the only option is to pay the full amount in advance in cash! 

At the time of application, I signed a letter of consent to the credit bureau, 

so the reality is that the credit bureau thoroughly investigates everything, 

to the point of poking every corner of the box. 

It's true! Loan companies quickly detect information about company bankruptcy and restructuring, 

so what was once a split is suddenly decided to repay the entire balance in one lump sum 

within 7 days... !

the reality and the truth is! Even if you are the prime minister of Japan,

this credit check will be carried out! 

クレジット、ローン、リース、レンタル、サラ金、消費者金融、闇金 1社も全て審査通らない私なものですから、、、!
車や住宅のローンの審査を通過した方々は、、、よほど 周囲の方々が ブラックではない ということです!
信用情報機構が、、、申込者を含め 親族や家系に 金融事故がないかどうか、、、徹底的に調査するのです、、、親戚の方々で 多少の金融事故がある場合は 必ず その親戚の方にその金融事故を思い出させるかの如く、、、その親戚の方に確認の電話が入る仕組みになっています、、、だから 信用調査には 相当の時間を有するのです!親戚に迷惑をかけたくない と思う方が 大きな買い物をする時は、、、全額現金一括先払い しか 方法はありません!
申し込み時に 信用情報機構への同意書を交わしたのですから、、、信用情報機構は 重箱の隅の隅をつつくほど、、、何から何まで 徹底的に調査しているのが、、、現実であり真実 です!
会社倒産やリストラの情報は ローン会社は一早く察知するので、、、分割だったものが、、、いきなり 7日後までに 残高全額一括返済 の 判断が下されるのです、、、現実であり真実 です!
例え 日本国の首相であっても・・・この信用調査は実施されてしまうのです!


To  Mr.U.S presidents Biden, 

Please best regards, Tahnks !

Mr. Japanese president Kishida, 

You just happen to be the current Prime Minister of Japan, 

so you're the only one who's seen badly...! 

Think carefully about the symbolic emperor...! 

Japan with history! But now I have no choice but to take advice from President Biden ! 

This  speech in U.S president Biden English... well thought out and profound !

All U.S. Treasury Staff are Specialist Groups (a group of profesinals, not titles) 

It shouldn't look bad! !

Mr.Japanese president Kishida,
あなたがたまたま 今の日本の 首相 にいるので、あなただけ 悪く見られているだけ、、、!

象徴天皇 のことを 良く考えて、、、!


しかし 今は バイデン大統領 にアドバイスを受けるしかないよ! 

この U.S president Biden  English での 演説・・・良く考えて奥が深い!

U.S 財務省 Staff  は 皆 Specialist Group である(肩書ではなく profesinal の集団)



I uploaded the cover image of the bitter novel I uploaded yesterday, 

and I think that those who read it understand that, 

but that image is not that I have no money, but the basics. 

The root cause of that spectacle lies in the act of not knowing or knowing information from the 

beginning! However, it cannot be generally defined as pathetic. 

It is also a fact and reality that there are many people who are happy with 

this because it is easy !

Happiness or unhappiness Money is definitely not the criterion !

Even though there are rich people, even today, 

there are people who still think that they are unhappy due to illness and relationships, 

and there are people who feel happy even though they live in poverty. ! 

(Example 1) Feeling cool after leaving the sauna An environment 

where the air conditioner is in constant use... !

There is only a fan, but the sensation of a cool breeze blowing 

(Example 2) Eating high-class food every day → It becomes commonplace and 

I don't feel happy 

… Once a year Feeling happy after eating delicious food. 

Self-theory, "Hell is heaven"

Subjective feelings and sensations vary from person to person... 

Only the person in question can understand it...

so third parties can only accept the facts that are theoretically proven...! 

"See through the essence"... same idea !

昨日 アップしました 辛辣な小説のカバー画像、、、読んで頂いた方は ご理解頂いている と思いますが、、、あの画像の方は、、、お金がないのではなくて、、、基本 情報を知らない または 知る という行動を 当初から諦めている、、、あの光景の根本原因 は そこにあります!
ただし 一概に 可哀想とは限定出来ません、、、
楽だからこれで幸せ と している という方々も多数存在するのも また 事実であり現実 です!
幸せ か 不幸 か 間違いなく、お金が判断基準ではありません!
お金持ち でも、未だに 現代でも 病気や人間関係 苦しんで 不幸だ と考えている方々もいれば、、、貧乏生活でも 幸せ を感じている方々 がいる、、、これもまた、、、現実であり真実 !
(例1) サウナから出た後の涼しさ エアコンを常時使用している環境、、、扇風機しかないが 涼しい風が吹いてきた時の感覚
(例2) 毎日 高級料理を食べている→当たり前になり 幸せを感じない、、、1年に1度 美味しい料理を食べた後の幸福感
主観的な感情や感覚は 個々様々・・・
当の本人でなければ理解出来ない・・・なので 第三者は理論的に証明されている事実のみ・・・受け入れることが出来る!


People from all over the world, including Japan, 

Unexpectedly, he casually showed his achievements of imagining 

a deadly impression in spite of silence. 

Go fill it up With infinitely quiet persistence, he continues to remain silent, saying, 

"Don't let him live, don't kill him!" When asked... Huh ?

"what are you so upset about? "   casually I'm going to ask back! 

日本を含め 世界各国の皆さん、、、既存の事柄について 一般的立場で 動けども 対象は一切動揺せず、、、
予想だにしない ”静寂ながら致命的印象を想像する実績” を何気なく見せ、、、まだ余裕あり という風貌で・・・ この 360度逃げ場を一切排除し、針の糸も通らないほど 確実に外濠を埋めて行き、、、
無限上の静かなるしつこさ で、結果 ”生かさず殺さず”  と だんまり を 続けるのです!
問われた時は・・・はて?、、、何をそんなに慌てているのですか?、、、と 何気なく 聞き返してみるのです! 


More and more bills are being added to the U.S.W ! 

Making all existing education free However, in the promotion test that is conducted every day,

 basic skipping education is performed from the kindergarten, 

Global standard training is absolutely essential in the entire process !

After all, the current kindergarten (which is premised on education) 

and nursery school (which is premised on childcare) have different purposes, 

so I don't remember how important education from early childhood is to human beings. 

Since I was born in a privileged environment as a child from a private kindergarten, 

I will add such a bill !

① Knowing life

② Life with the ability to think that you want to know

③ Life ends without knowing

④ A life that ends without the ability to think that you want to know !

①② > ③④

If you die, you won't stand before you regret it, Makes sense !

For example... Answering a questionnaire that I do in my daily routine... !

In the future, I will research 100 survey sites... What if I knew... one site a day... ,

Considering 200 to 300 yen... x 100 sites 20,000 yen to 30,000 yen per day.

September 28, 2022・・・First point redemption・・・

Only one site in total... 27,800 yen !

I haven't been to a part-time job anywhere...!

The importance of knowing is the most important thing in life!

どんどん. U.S.W に 法案を追加いたします!
既存の全ての教育を 無償化 、、、
ただし 毎日実施する 進級テスト において、基本的に 飛び級教育 を 幼稚舎 から行い、
その全過程で確実に グローバルスタンダードな育成を必須とします!
やはり 現状の 幼稚園(教育が前提)と保育園(保育が前提) では 目的が異なることから、人間にとって 幼児期からの教育がいかに重要かが、、、記憶は ありませんが 家系が寺院の檀家ということだったことから 私立幼稚舎出身という恵まれた環境下での幼児期であったことから、、、そのような法案を追加させて頂きます!
①② > ③④

例えば・・・今 日課にしている アンケートに答える行動・・・

今後 リサーチして 100のアンケートサイトを・・・私が知ったらどうなりますか?

1日1サイト・・・200~300円と考えると・・・× 100サイト で 1日 20,000円~30,000円

どこにも アルバイト 行ってませんが・・・!




Oh... I slept well! I slept about 10 hours last night...,

my average sleep time is about 10-12 hours... !

One of my hobbies is "sleep" !


昨夜は約10時間寝ました・・・私の平均睡眠時間は 約10~12時間なので・・・!

私の趣味の一つは  ”睡眠”  です!


I will ask a doctor who specializes in intractable diseases !

About 17 years ago, I was living under the designation of ulcerative colitis (whole colon type).

 At first, I only took drugs (steroids) for about two months... !

Because I was a fashion model, Because I avoided the moon face,

 I was taking only Pentasa, Despite being designated as an intractable disease

 (holding an intractable disease certificate)...Sapporo Soseigawa Street... Round-trip from ,

In the final spurt (about 500M), Shinoji (up to Barato River when the condition is good) ~ Round 

trip to Kita 48 (about 10 km or more) Every day on extremely hot days (over 30 degrees Celsius) 

Running in upper and lower sauna suits,

run up a steep slope with a dash... then after returning home I immediately closed the veranda 

and did push-ups (200 times) and sit-ups (100 times),

 While doing it It's now that the incurable disease has been cured !

 Kitami Japanese Red Cross Hospital (initial intractable disease designated diagnosis) - 

Dr. Nasuno, Sapporo Kosei Hospital Is this an "eternal light-year remission" or a "cure" ?

 I have faxed several times to Dr. Nasuno about his current recovery !

In July 2022, I read Fuyuki's book, Theory of Life Science, 

for the entrance exam for Hokkaido University School of Medicine. 

Now that I've learned what I'm thinking... the original ulcerative colitis onset gene molecule ?

the number I feel like I've forced myself to change it... ! 

「Bold like Jenne of Arc, delicate like Les Miserables」


私は 約17年前 潰瘍性大腸炎(全大腸型)の指定を受け生活していましたが、

薬剤(ステロイド)はまず 2カ月ほどしか服用せず・・・ファッションモデル業のため、

ムーンフェイス を回避したため・・・ペンタサ のみの服用をしていましたが、


篠路 (調子の良い時は 茨戸川まで) ~北48条までの往復  (約10km以上) を 猛暑日を毎日

(30℃超え)を 上下サウナスーツでランニングをし、

最後のラストスパート(約500M)の急な坂道を ダッシュで走り上がり・・・その後 帰宅してから

すぐに ベランダを締め切って 腕立て伏せ (200回) ・腹筋運動 (100回)  をこなしていましたが、

それをこなしている内に その難病が治癒してしまった 現在です!

北見日赤病院(初回難病指定診断)~札幌厚生病院 那須野Dr ・・・、

これは  ”永遠光年の寛解” または  ”完治”  ですか?

那須野Dr  には・・・現在の 完治の旨・・・何回か FAXさせて頂いています!

2022年7月 北海道大学医学部学士編入試験受験のため、冬木様著書・・・生命科学論 を

学習した 今の私の考察では・・・元々の潰瘍性大腸炎発病の遺伝子分子?番 を


「ジャンヌ・ダルク のように大胆に、レ・ミゼラブル のように繊細に」

「さあ立ち上がる時 ジャンヌ・ダルク への道」


What I did It seemed to be careless !

October 9, 2023 Information Processing Security Supporter Examination !

When I was looking at the exam application section of the text, Today, 

I wrote something like exemption from the morning I exam... A few years ago, 

I passed the network specialist (advanced information processing test) morning I test.

 So (actually, I have passed)... am I eligible for the morning I exam exemption ?

Look good with And..., until 2 years after passing the morning I exam,

 it was written that you can be exempted, so if it was more recent Good for you !

 As soon as I thought !

Well, it's the past, so I won't look back... only live and now towards the future ! 

私としたことが うっかりしそうでした!

2023年10月9日  情報処理安全確保支援士試験・・・テキストの受験申請欄を見ていたら、

今日になって  午前Ⅰ試験免除 みたいなこと書いていたので・・・、

あれっ・・・何年か前に ネットワークスペシャリスト(高度情報処理試験)午前Ⅰ試験合格してる

ので(現実に合格しています)・・・、午前Ⅰ試験免除の対象 なのかな?・・・と良く見る

と・・・、午前Ⅰ試験合格から2年間まで・・・、免除可能 と書いていたので もっと直近だったら

良かったな  のにな!・・・と思った次第です!

まあ 過去の事なので 振り返りはしません・・・未来に向かって and Now を生きる のみ!


Uncle... Etch !

No hail I was seen in my underwear! 


あられもない 下着姿 見られたよ!


Today, July 31st, 2023, 17th day of zero-yen life... Starvation hell mission ends Starting 

tomorrow, I'll be seriously ready for the license exam !

Trials can only be given to those who can overcome them !

(Actually, from 18 days ago... I'm always 100% sure that it's okay, I've been planning and carrying out my own plan...just in case...) 

本日 2023年7月31日  0円生活 17日目・・・飢餓地獄ミッション終了 

明日から本気で  ライセンス試験の準備が出来るよ!

試練は 乗り越えることが出来る者でなければ 与えられない!

(実際は 18日前から・・・いつも 100%  大丈夫 という確信の元、

自分で計画実行してきた・・・念には念を です)


Next is... a masterpiece among masterpieces... memorized for Elise! 

次は・・・名曲中の名曲・・・エリーゼのために 覚えます!


There is no target for such a topic, and it is an impossible story, If you are paid, take responsibility for your work... If by any chance there was a naive idea of ​​just coming to the office and finishing the day... That's someone who doesn't need to be paid... But even if it doesn't look like it from the outside, 

③ Those who have brought results and profits as a result 

②Those who finish their work efficiently and accurately 

③Owner and president.

If it's the above 3 people... it's OK... I was talking to myself ! 

こんな 話題 の対象の方は 皆無 であり、あり得ない話ですが、


ただ 会社に来て  一日が終われば という 甘い考えの方が 万が一 いたとしたなら・・・

それは お給料を渡す必要性の無い方です・・・!

ただし 外からはそう見えなくても、

①結果的に 実績や利潤 を もたらされている方

②効率的・正確 に仕事を終わらせている方

③オーナー社長  <自分の会社なので、お給料を社員の方々へ 支払いしている側ですので>

上記3者の方々なら・・・OK ではないかと・・・独り言でした!


July 29, 2023 Early today Street Piano
At NORBESA in Chuo Ward, Sapporo City It has ended!
Later...I'll post the sound on my Facebook!
Today..."Day 15 of 0 Yen Life"!
2 more days...I'll do my best...!
By the way,
① There were Japanese people who casually came out of a Chinese restaurant.
②Long queue at the department store parking lot in my car
③Large and famous parks・・・There are many Stand Shops, but at this Shiny Killer you can't eat outside.
I can't afford the extravagance anymore, so I should try to eat out at least once a year, but of course, if I don't, I'm done!

2023年7月29日 本日 早めに Street Piano
札幌市内中央区 NORBESA にて 終了させてきました!
あとで・・・My Facebook に 音 載せておきます!
本日で・・・"0円生活 15日目" !
①平気に何気なく 中華レストラン から出てきた日本人の方々がいましたが
②マイカーでデパート駐車場に長い行列(GS まで費やして・・・買わない入店ですかね?)
③大きな有名な公園・・・Stand Shop たくさんありましたが・・・この Shiny Kiler では 外では食べることが出来ません
ここ数年で 日本人全てが・・・今の私のような "餓死寸前" になることを知っているのでしょうか?
もう贅沢はできないのですから・・・せめて 1年に1回の外食に努めるべきですが・・・当然 そうしないと・・・終了です!

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